EditorialBiomed Biopharm Res., 2022; 19(2):264

doi: 10.19277/bbr.19.2.e; PDF version here [+] Portuguese html version [PT]  


BBR 19.2

A new development cycle to begin

Our Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Research (BBR) journal has been a consistent instrument of scientific culture within the Portuguese speaking communities. Its original character highlights its role as an open access, full waiver scientific publication for Portuguese speaking authors, contributing to share knowledge and promote societal progress.

Some achievements are clear, such as the increasing number of submissions from our Brazilian partners in particular, as demonstrated in the current issue, the growing number of accesses, downloads (abstracts and full-texts) and citations and presence in many recognized global databases. From the editorial perspective, we have successfully put into place better operational practices facilitating access and time to publication.

We seek now to increase our ambitions. BBR will soon have a newly redesigned website of its own, with new and more easy-to-use functionalities. From general information including connection to professional and social networks, to submission reviewing, and decision processes now entirely developed on-line. With this permanent concern for ethics, transparency, and clarity in mind, processing has also been redesigned in order to provide more objective decision steps and criteria to editors and simplify follow up for authors. Among other advantages, these new procedures expedite selection by a primary verification upon submission and center the reviewing management with the Associate Editor who is now able to interact more directly with the reviewers. In the case of an unfavorable decision regarding publication, an additional appeal step is now also in place. We believe these measures will promote our visibility and broaden our audience while reinforcing our commitment to the core values and mission of BBR.

The present issue includes eight original manuscripts, one review, and one clinical case. Four supplements are also included:

- The Abstract Book from the InnovDelivery '22 - I Lusophone Meeting on Innovative Delivery Systems (virtual), from June 2022 (DOI: 10.19277/bbr19.2.289)
- The Abstract Book FeSBS 2022 - XXXVI from the Annual Meeting of the Federation of Experimental Biology Societies (August 2022) (DOI: 10.19277/bbr.19.2.291
- The Abstract Book of the CBIOS Scientific Sessions (DOI: 10.19277/bbr.19.2.300), and
- The Abstract Book of the 1st African Conference on Natural Products & Related Fields (virtual) 2022 (DOI: 10.19277/bbr.19.2.302).


L Monteiro Rodrigues
Editor in Chief