
The Health and Society section starts with an original paper centered in the interaction nurse-aged person, in primary health care, as a determinant of the so called successful aging... [+] here


Health and Society

Successful aging - the nurse - aged person interaction process in primary health care

Maria João Soares Rodrigues de Sousa Fernandes [+] here - DOI: 10.19277/bbr.10.2.60


Continuous Care Units: a response to aging and dependency in Portugal

Maria Carolina Monteiro, Osvaldo Santos, Mª Céu Costa [+] here - DOI: 10.19277/bbr.10.2.61


Revisiting: “A food supplement is associated with changes in Subjective Memory Complaints and Geriatric Depression Scale in adults and older persons in Portugal” 

Nelson Rodrigues Tavares, Andreia Gomes, Laura Tenreiro [+] here - DOI: 10.19277/bbr.10.2.62


Biomedical Sciences

Direct Vs Indirect Digital Systems: Local Diagnostic Reference Levels for Chest Radiography in Postero-Anterior Projection in two Portuguese Hospitals

Joana Oliveira, Marília Mourato, Carlos Domingos, Ricardo Miranda, Paulo Pereira, Ricardo Grilo, Jorge Frutuoso [+] here - DOI: 10.19277/bbr.10.2.63


Acute effects of Radiotherapy in patients with Head and Neck Cancer: IMRT vs RapidArcTM 

Liliana Silva, Bárbara Barbosa, Marisa Matos [+] here - DOI: 10.19277/bbr.10.2.64


Exploring the oxygen challenge test as a microcirculation evaluation model 

Henrique Silva, Hugo Ferreira, Julia Bujan and L Monteiro Rodrigues [+] here - DOI: 10.19277/bbr.10.2.65


Atopic dermatitis-like disease in a rat model

Raquel CS Barcelos, Cristina de Mello-Sampayo, CTD Antoniazzi, HJ Segat, H Silva, ME Bürger, Beatriz Silva-Lima, LM Rodrigues [+] here - DOI: 10.19277/bbr.10.2.66


Biopharmaceutical Sciences

Assessing Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Rituximab for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Meta-Analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials 

Rafael Venson, Astrid Wiens Souza, Cassyano Januário Correr, Roberto Pontarolo [+] here - DOI: 10.19277/bbr.10.2.67


Solid solutions vs. solid dispersions: the impact of formulation parameters 

Joana Mota [+] here - DOI: 10.19277/bbr.10.2.68


Antioxidant activity of Matricaria chamomilla L. extract and clinical efficacy of cosmetic formulations containing this extract and its isolated compounds 

Ananda T. Nóbrega, Tais A. L. Wagemaker, Patricia M. B. G. Maia Campos [+] here - DOI: 10.19277/bbr.10.2.69



CBiOS Science Sessions - 2013 [+] here - DOI: 10.19277/bbr.10.2.70

II Nanosciesce and Nanotecnology Biomedicals Symposium - Proceedings [+] here - DOI: 10.19277/bbr.10.2.71